We’re fostering a better building future by addressing embodied carbon’s role in climate change.

Building Transparency's core mission is to provide the open access data and tools necessary to enable broad and swift action across the building industry in addressing embodied carbon's role in climate change.

Our premier service is the Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3), a free database of construction EPDs and matching building impact calculator for use in design and material procurement.

Register Free for EC3

Find & Compare Materials

Simple sorting and visualization of supply chain specific EPD data, with the ability to see material category baselines and set material category targets.

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Plan & Compare Buildings

Simple visualization of a project's potential and realized upfront embodied carbon emissions, with the ability to see conservative baselines and set achievable reduction targets.

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Declare Your Products

Digital EPD platform and EPD automation. View specific EPD data per product in a standardized digital format.

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Verify & Audit

Audit and verify digital EPDs, if you are a Program Operators/LCA Practitioners responsible for third-party verified EPDs.

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EC3 Partners

Association Sponsors


Incubation 2018-2019


Building Transparency acknowledges the contributions of C-Change Labs as the original co-creator and former developer of EC3.